
Berlin Open Lab’s hybrid applied research approach is also reflected in the design of the workspace. The flexible structure and broad variety of equipment promotes an open practice, experimental research and liveliness. Berlin Open Lab consists of three main areas: an area for exchanging ideas, planning, group workshops and processing, an area for digital prototyping and fabrication and an area for multi-modal, mixed-reality simulations and design.

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Coworking space

The Berlin Open Lab offers a variety of coworking and research areas. Each research team has a working area at its disposal, which can be

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Prototyping space

The Prototyping space offers a full range of digital and analogue fabrication tools suited for various materials such as wood, plastics, textile and metals, and

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Mixed-Reality Space

The Mixed-Reality Space enables research teams to develop and research new tools to digitally create multi-modal, cross-reality spaces and experiences that refer back to the

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Mixed-Reality Space

The Mixed-Reality Space enables research teams to develop and research new tools to digitally create multi-modal, cross-reality spaces and experiences that refer back to the

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Prototyping space

The Prototyping space offers a full range of digital and analogue fabrication tools suited for various materials such as wood, plastics, textile and metals, and

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Coworking space

The Berlin Open Lab offers a variety of coworking and research areas. Each research team has a working area at its disposal, which can be

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