On the Visual Influence on Room Acoustical Impression

The aim of this project is the investigation of the impact of visual stimuli (lights, colours, materials) on the acoustical impression of a music venue. For this purpose, the small chamber of Konzerthaus Berlin has been virtually recreated and short music pieces of solo violin and clarinet have been recorded in the anechoic chamber of TU Berlin against a green-screen. In continuation the room and the concert are rendered together before the eyes of the audience via Virtual Reality googles. The performance is accompanied by a real time interactive questionnaire/menu that is used to record the impression of the participants.


This project can be realized thanks to the cutting edge installation and equipment of BOL which in combination with Audio Communication Group’s dynamic binaural synthesis technique and spatializer (Unity.3d plug-in) leads the participants through a very plausible and immersive experience.


Christos Drouzas


Audio Communications Group
Hans Böckler Foundation



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