Table © Daniel Hromada

Digital Primer (

Digital primer is a new kind of medium developed for purpose of education. Ideally, it is an embooked  System which accompanies  an elementary-school pupil, promotes his|her basic literacy, diagnoses potential difficulties and assists the human Teacher in fostering child’s alphabetisation. Design of its form and content is not market- but science- and culture- driven. It aims to maximize the advantages of a digital instrument (automatic  evaluation, instant feedback, generativity, multimodality etc.) while minimizing potential adverse effects of use & overuse of known digital media.


Prof. Dr. Daniel Hromada (ECDF Digital Education Juniorprofessor)
Dr. Georgy Bagdasarov (ECDF Digital Education Scientific Assistant)
Nikoloz Kapanadze (Maker & Tutor)


Einstein Center Digital Future
ECDF Juniorprofessorship for Digital Education is funded by Cornelsen Verlag

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