VR Berlin Meetup @ BOL

September 19, 2019
19:00 - 22:00

Berlin Open Lab

The Berlin Open Lab is hosting the next VR Berlin Meetup.


Christoph Gengnagel, professor for Structural Design and Engineering at UdK Berlin and co-founder of the Design Modeling Symposiums, will speak about his current Virtual Reality projects.

Peter Langer, CEO and Founder of TIMETRAVEL.BERLIN will present their 1928.BERLIN project which catapults visitors back to the golden 1920s and discuss its challenges and future vision.


“Virtual Reality Exergaming“ discussion round moderated by Tanja Kojic and Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons, TU Berlin

Demo stations by:

– 1928.BERLIN HP Reverb demo station by Timetravel Berlin
– Pupil Labs Eye tracking add-on for HTC Vive together with the Pupil SDK and Unity plugin
– Exergaming in Virtual Reality (VR Rowing) by TU Berlin
– Two Oculus Rift demo stations by Caseking
– Vive Pro demo station by Breakpoint One
– Looking Glass Holographic Display by Invisible Room
– Varjo VR-1 demo station by XMG

The drinks are kindly sponsored by Caseking.

Language: English

Registration via the Meetup Group: www.meetup.com/de-DE/Berlin-Virtual-Reality-Meetup/

Contact: Philip Hausmeier philip.hausmeier@vrbln.de

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