Sustainable Futures – III. Symposium BOL X Hybrid Plattform (engl.)

May 7, 2024
13:00 - 18:00

Berlin Open Lab

German version

The third BOL X Hybrid Platform Symposium will focus on exploring and implementing new materials and transformative working methods, in order to shape more sustainable and desirable futures.
Researchers and artists from the Berlin Open Lab (UdK Berlin) and the TU Berlin will address a wide variety of topics – from 3D-clay printing in architecture, AI optimisation in the baking industry, microbiomes and multi-sensory experiences with sourdough, the social recognition of mycelium architecture, to velvet fabrics as e-textiles and the digitalisation of knowledge about ancient craft techniques and materials.
The symposium intends to highlight hybrid and interdisciplinary practices from the art and science domains that pose the question of materiality in the intersection of the analog and the digital.
We expect an exciting and lively exchange of research results and experiences!
Program (more info):

  • 13:00 / Welcome and introduction: Sustainable Futures / Prof. Dr Gesche Joost, UdK Berlin
  • 13:15 – 14:15 / Panel 1: Digital transformation of traditional techniques / Saqib Aziz, Emma Woods (BOL/UdK)
  • 14:30 – 15:30 / Panel 2: Materiality, digitalisation and socio-ecological transformation / Valerian Blos (UdK), Meike Hopp (TU)
  • 15:45 – 16:45 / Panel 3: Neurological perception, sensory qualities and sustainability / Maciej Chmara (BOL/UdK), Gudrun Rauwolf (TU), Klaus Gramann (TU)
  • 17:00 – 18:00 / Panel 4: Waste transformed and circular economy / Sam Hill, Aeneas Stankowski (BOL/DFKI), Johannes Scholz (TU)
  • 18:00 – 18:30 / Aperitivo at the BOL Garden

please register here  (free entrance)
The panels will take place in BOL II (MRLab) and online on Zoom. Between the panels there will be short breaks with snacks and drinks in BOL I. Presentations will be held in German and in English.
contact: /
organisation: Tonia Welter (BOL), Anne Kurr und Michael Fowler (Hybrid Plattform)
partner: Hybridplattform
graphic: D O P Studio

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