Smile to Vote @ Alexander Peterhaensel

Smile to Vote – Political Physiognomy Analytics

May 28, 2019
17:00 - 21:00

Berlin Open Lab

What if we could automatically vote with an artificially intelligent face scan in a voting machine? Smile to Vote simulates exactly this – and thus initiates a reflection on political processes, self-determination and privacy in the digital age.
Smile to Vote is a trans-disciplinary scientific media art project, which deals with the implications of biometric scoring. It is informed by latest scientific findings in AI- and psychometrics research and questions them by creating speculative realities.
The artistic research project portrays the fictitious GovTech startup “smile to vote” and its cutting edge product with the same name: an ultra efficient e-voting booth. By means of AI-based facial scanning, the e-voting booth gages the political conviction of any given person and emulates the process of digitally casting a vote at the 2019 EU Parliament elections by simply looking into a camera.
The project has been exhibited at the European Parliament, at various Museums and Institutions all over Europe and has received substantial media coverage. It has instigated valuable discussions amongst scientists, policy makers and the general public.
More information:


Alexander Peterhaensel (Research Group Lead)
Christopher Höhn (Research Associate)
Julian Netzer (Research Associate)
Max Bilger (Research Assistant)
Konstantin Hildebrand (Research Assistant)


University of the Arts Berlin
Audiovisual Architectures Lab Berlin

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