Platform cooperativism and the new commons

June 21, 2019
16:00 - 18:00

Berlin Open Lab

In times where ownership is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a powerful few, there has been a renewed interest in the concept of the commons – especially in the digital realm. Deeply rooted in human history, a commons arises wherever a community decides to manage a resource in a collective manner with regard to equitable access, use and sustainability. There will be an introduction to the field by Emilia Knabe. On this basis, we would like to discuss with you whether the commons can possibly be a key ingredient for change for example in the form of platform cooperativism? Can the commons fulfill the promise of the early web to decentralise power to make more democratic ownership possible? 

tripadvisor flickr americanexpress bandcamp basecamp behance bigcartel bitbucket blogger codepen compropago digg dribbble dropbox ello etsy eventbrite evernote facebook feedly github gitlab goodreads googleplus instagram kickstarter lastfm line linkedin mailchimp mastercard medium meetup messenger mixcloud paypal periscope pinterest quora reddit rss runkeeper shopify signal sinaweibo skype slack snapchat soundcloud sourceforge spotify stackoverflow stripe stumbleupon trello tumblr twitch twitter uber vimeo vine visa vsco wechat whatsapp wheniwork wordpress xero xing yelp youtube zerply zillow px aboutme airbnb amazon pencil envelope bubble magnifier cross menu arrow-up arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right envelope-o caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right