Open Materials – Crystals, Communities, Concerns

December 4, 2019
17:30 - 20:00

Berlin Open Lab

The Open Materials symposium displays the outcomes of a day of hands-on workshops – of disassembling electronic waste to discuss lifecycles of electro-active materials, cooking crystals to rethink devices, and debating the informal maker communities that form around environmental sustainability based on a case study of Accra.
Moreover – four invited speakers will present practice-based and ethnographic explorations of ‘prototyping environmental sustainability’ based on approaches of community science, citizen science, biohacking and critical maker culture.


17:30 Welcome : Michelle Christensen and Florian Conradi

17:40 Parcour – Workshop Résumés
The Disassembly Line / Lilo Viehweg
Crystal Urgency / LisaHoffmann
Collaborating for Impact / Gameli Adzaho

18:00 Talks
Open Science Communities & Sustainability – Experiences from Accra to Berlin
Gameli Adzaho /
Global Lab / Africa Open Science and Hardware
Prototyping Resilience in Brandenburg 
Merle Ibach /
Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
Extinction of a Paradise
Monik Danuwidjaja /
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Dessau
Allesandro Volpato / Biolab, Top e.V., Berlin

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