Kinetic Facades

February 24, 2020 - February 26, 2020
All Day

From 24th to 26th February 2020 the Department for Structural Design and Engineering (KET) carried out an Arduino Workshop with master students of the UdK at Berlin Open Lab.

Students designed a kinetic facade system, experimenting with different methods of interaction. The Arduino platform is combined with sound, light, distance and proximity sensors to create real-time responsive facade-systems on a one-to-one scale.


Saqib Aziz (research associate at Department for Structural Design and Engineering [KET], UdK Berlin)

Elena Ambacher (tutor, KET)

Lukas Utzig (tutor, KET)

Tizian Alkewitz (tutor, KET)

Master students of architecture (UdK Berlin)

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