The project INTERPART explores the potential of online services and platforms in participatory processes of urban planning. In aimes at increasing the democratic and social participation of immigrants on the one hand, as well as initiating institutional change that will make these processes more inclusive. It develops, tests and evaluates participatry tools in social living labs (as the studio moabit) in the Berlin district of Mitte and in the city of Wiesbaden.
A cooperation between TU Dortmund, UdK Berlin, UrbanPlus, Zebralog, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin, Stadt Wiesbaden
Dr. Bianca Herlo (UdK – Design Research Lab)
Malte Bergmann
Sandra Stark
Franziska Schnüffler
Nina Blume
BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education and Research)
INTERPART – Intercultural spaces of participation (2018-2021)
May 28, 2019
17:00 - 21:00
Berlin Open Lab
The project INTERPART explores the potential of online services and platforms in participatory processes of urban planning. In aimes at increasing the democratic and social participation of immigrants on the one hand, as well as initiating institutional change that will make these processes more inclusive. It develops, tests and evaluates participatry tools in social living labs (as the studio moabit) in the Berlin district of Mitte and in the city of Wiesbaden.
A cooperation between TU Dortmund, UdK Berlin, UrbanPlus, Zebralog, Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin, Stadt Wiesbaden
Dr. Bianca Herlo (UdK – Design Research Lab)
Malte Bergmann
Sandra Stark
Franziska Schnüffler
Nina Blume
BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education and Research)