Interaktives VR Stadtteilmodell (Interactive VR City District model)

May 28, 2019
17:00 - 21:00

Berlin Open Lab

The use of virtual reality technologies in combination with digital building and city models is powerful approach to experience architecture in a direct way by the user. If the VR models offers also interactive elements, e.g. openable doors, movable elevators, switchable lights etc., then the architecture becomes more realistic in the virtual reality environment.
The VR scenario shows an extract of an Berlin city district, in which two different rooftop buildings a placed on the top of an old Berlin city town house. Starting from the street, the user can reach the rooftops living units by an glass elevator in the courtyard and can explore them in an interactive manner.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Nytsch-Geusen (UdK – Architecture)
Thaeba Ayubi
Jörg Rädler
Dr.-Ing. Matthis Thorade

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