Hacking Body-Politics: Menstrual Cycle & Ovulation

July 10, 2019
18:00 - 21:00

Berlin Open Lab

While long being niche technologies for decision-making powers in the tech world, period tracking apps have evolved to being part of the current default set of health apps, and so-called ‘Femtech’ is on the rise. Multiple products are flooding the market, promising to monitor PMS, ovulation and moods, to contracept and enhance people’s experience of their menstrual cycle. The commercialisation of technologies does not spare the intimacy of health data from being exploited for advertisement.
This MiniHack will explore the potentials of using Open Soft- and Hardware to envision and speculate other possibilities of health technologies – tackling issues of lacking self-sovereignty, the commercialisation of body data in neoliberal times, and the production and reinforcement of gender stereotypes.
Marie Dietze 
Marie Kochsiek 
UdK Berlin 
Weizenbaum Institute / Research Group ‘Production Possibilities of the Maker Culture’ 

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