Folding: Structural Materiality in Textiles and Electromagnetics

April 13, 2022 - April 14, 2022
All Day

This symposium explored textile technologies and construction methods to design, fabricate and analyse three-dimensional materiality in electronic textiles and electromagnetic engineering. The focus was on flexible structures achieved by folding, investigating digital and manual prototyping techniques using textiles and flexible materials. The overall aim was to develop concepts for new smart textiles for electromagnetic applications, and contextualising them within speculative futures for clothing and technical textile applications. Planned originally in 2020 as a single event, we are now hosting this symposium in three parts:

Berlin symposium: 13 – 14 April 2022

Online talks, June – September 2022 (TBC)

London symposium: 15 – 16 September 2022

Funded by the VolkswagenStiftung,
Funding Initiative “Symposia and Summer Schools”.

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