– Phase 0: Component Permutations

May 28, 2019
17:00 - 21:00

Berlin Open Lab

We present multiple digital artefacts which emerged first stage of construction of a digital Primer. These include: touchscreen&HTML5-based prototype; e-ink screen (currently broken) with touchless sensing embedded in an upcycled old book; and OID-enriched paper page from the Primer “Wir Kinder vom Zirkus Palope”. Aside this, we’ll present some additional digital artefacts exploiting the modularity and extensibility of Raspberry Pi technology: Make Your Own Instrument kits, touchless PONG-game, speak2listen headphones and a touch-the-plant educative setup.


Prof. Dr. Daniel D. Hromada (ECDF)
Nikoloz Kapanadze

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