Feminist Cryptoparty „Digital Tools“

November 27, 2019
18:00 - 21:00

How do the digital tools and services that we use each day differ from each other? Why does it matter? In this workshop a simple framework for making informed choices on which tools to use in the digital space will be introduced. We will also go into further detail and discuss different ways of protecting yourself and your communities in the digital space from a feminist perspective.

On this evening we are inviting you to collaborate on creating an environment where people feel welcome and safe to learn and teach no matter what their background or level of expertise is. All questions are relevant and all explanation shall be tailored to the person with the least prior knowledge. Sharing is caring 🙂 Please bring your laptop or smartphone!“
Marie Kochsiek (Research Fellow)
Marie Dietze (Research Associate)
Emilia Knabe (Research Associate)
Research Groups „Production Possibilities of the Maker Culture“ and „Inequality and Digital Sovereignty“ of the Weizenbaum Institute for Networked Society

tripadvisor flickr americanexpress bandcamp basecamp behance bigcartel bitbucket blogger codepen compropago digg dribbble dropbox ello etsy eventbrite evernote facebook feedly github gitlab goodreads googleplus instagram kickstarter lastfm line linkedin mailchimp mastercard medium meetup messenger mixcloud paypal periscope pinterest quora reddit rss runkeeper shopify signal sinaweibo skype slack snapchat soundcloud sourceforge spotify stackoverflow stripe stumbleupon trello tumblr twitch twitter uber vimeo vine visa vsco wechat whatsapp wheniwork wordpress xero xing yelp youtube zerply zillow px aboutme airbnb amazon pencil envelope bubble magnifier cross menu arrow-up arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right envelope-o caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right