Embodied Creativity in Computational Design

May 28, 2019
17:00 - 21:00

Berlin Open Lab

Digital design methods impact architectural structures. To contribute new impulses to Computational Design, we are focusing on a central obstacle in current digital design for architects and structural engineers, namely the suboptimal transformation of embodied three-dimensional imagination and knowledge of the designer into the digital work environment. Through a synthesis of findings from the fields of cognitive sciences, informatics and design sciences we propose a concept that deals with the question of how to integrate forms of embodied knowledge into digital design applications for architects and engineers. Using Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies, as well as a full-body tracking system, we want to present a new way of modeling and perceiving digitally shaped models with this case study. A prototypical application makes it possible to experience the designers’ body movements in virtual space. In comparison with digitally modeled objects differentiated insights about the users design decisions are gained. The use of the body to model space will show that (1) the advanced technologies of digital modeling can be used for a complex multi-sensory experience of space and the body itself, and (2) show how digital design applications can be enhanced by returning to an anthropomorphic scale. Our general approach is to identify exemplary ways out of a potential crisis in architecture and engineering related to the actual state of Computational Design, while expanding it into the field of Computational Creativity.


Christoph Gengnagel (UdK – Architecture)
Robert Patz


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

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