DIY/DIT Development: New Spaces, Modes and Materials

June 24, 2019
14:30 - 17:30

What role does hacking and making play in current West African context? Can the re-writing of technological modes, machines and materials, or the convergence of open source technologies with indigenous ways of knowing inspire decolonial post-capitalist visions of a digital society?
With input talks from Sename Koffi (Woelab Lomè, Togo), Carina Lange (GIZ Lomé, Togo) and Dr. Romy Hilbig (Weizenbaum Institute / Forikolo e.V.), we will explore emerging movements of DIY (Do-it-Yourself) and DIT (Do-it-Together) Development, novel modes of ‘Glocal Making’ – building inventions that resolve local issues utilising the means of a global open-source community, as well as the strive to formulate an alternative vision of this critical practice that moves beyond pre-scripted Western ideas and values.
Michelle Christensen
Florian Conradi
Marie Dietze
Katharina Bellinger
Lisa Hoffmann
Lukas Wirsching
UdK Berlin
Weizenbaum Institute / Research Group ‘Production Possibilities of the Maker Culture’

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