DGTF Conference 2023: Design and Digital Justice — Annual conference and 20th anniversary

June 2, 2023 - June 3, 2023
All Day

Berlin Open Lab

The DGTF celebrates its 20th anniversary! Celebrate with us on June 2nd in Berlin.


Under the heading “Design and Digital Justice”, this year’s DGTF conference is dedicated to current developments around digital technologies and AI. We want to address the question of how design influences society and contributes to digital (in)justice. From inclusion, anti-discrimination and anti-sexism to privacy and digital colonialism, there are many issues that we as designers and researchers need to address to ensure a fair and just digital future. The conference will offer perspectives from a variety of fields including design, technology, and social justice sharing insights on how we can promote digital justice in and through design.

Registration here

Conference Committee:
Bianca Herlo, Sabine Foraita, Michelle Christensen

Conference Team:
Bianca Herlo, Sabine Foraita, Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi, Leonie Egge, Ben Siegler, Ines Weigand, Athena Grandis, Corinna Canali, Berkay Soykan

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