Change Agents – exploring inter-institutional collaborations

April 18, 2024
17:30 - 20:00

The EU-funded Change Agents project invites you to project presentations and discussions.

Exploring and establishing genuine collaborations that meet the real needs of communities through design: The Change Agents project dives into creating long-lasting partnerships between various social agents, activists and institutions within the realm of social design education and practice. This event will feature invited guests from design academia and practice alongside representatives from civil society and intermediaries, to examine productive ways of collaborating across these diverse fields. Together, we aim to harness the expertise of change agents for meaningful and impactful results.


Isabell Schnalle & Paula Keilholz, Threads & Tits
Niklas Kossow, City Lab Berlin
Elizabeth Calderón Lüning, Democratic Society (DemSoc)


Bori Feher, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME)
Ruth Melioranski, Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA)
Jonathan Ventura, SHENKAR Engineering. Design. Art Elizabeth Calderón Lüning, Democratic Society (DemSoc)
Bianca Herlo, Weizenbaum Institute/Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)

Come along for inspiring talks, pizza and drinks!

Please register until April 16th via mail with Marie Munz:
If you have any questions, please contact Bianca Herlo:

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