A room for your own Ada

June 8, 2023 - July 14, 2023
All Day

During this Workshop, stage design students of the UdK are invited to create their own channeling room to permit the communication between the scientist Emma and the mother of programming Ada Lovelace. This “room for your own Ada” is based on a close analyze of the movie “Conceiving Ada” created by the artist Lynn Hershman Leeson in 1997, throw a trip into the esthetics of virtual worlds portrayed in movies, the discovery of how these virtual worlds were concretely created and a visit to the cyberspace of cyberfeminists.

Our channeling rooms will be exclusively developed through and with computer language: 3D modeling and CAD-drawing being the tools with which we wanted to touch the genoma of space : a new wor(L)d where (L)ovelace is the key into virtuality. These tools will give the students a new understanding of how to shape virtual spaces, and enhanced new possibilities to create them.

At the end of the process, as the bird in “Conceiving Ada” we will bring virtual spaces into our analoge one by 3D-printing and/or laser-printing each Ada-room.


Daniela Zorrozua
Studiengang Bühnenbild UdK

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