Registration: Please register here: REGISTRATION
There are no conference fees for NERD, but prior registration is required.
5th NERD Conference New Experimental Research in Design
Especially in unraveling times of crisis like these, new perspectives, ways of thinking and forms of action are indispensable in order to negotiate possible pathways and futures. The 5th NERD conference discusses experimental design research projects across the areas of critical AI, decolonial design and human/nonhuman design, and debates the re/positioning of the field of design research. Developed and realised by the Board of International Research in Design (BIRD) at Birkhäuser Publishing House, the 5th NERD conference will be carried out in collaboration with the Berlin University of the Arts (Weizenbaum Institute) and the Technische Universität Berlin (Einstein Center Digital Future).
Conference Committee: Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi, Uta Brandes, Tom Bieling, Sandra Groll, Ralf Michel, Wolfgang Jonas, Marc Pfaff
Conference Team / Berlin: Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi, Ines Weigand, Berkay Soykan, Athena Grandis (Weizenbaum Institute / UdK Berlin + Einstein Center Digital Future / TU Berlin)
5th NERD Conference / New Experimental Research in Design
May 4, 2023 - May 5, 2023
10:00 - 17:00
Berlin Open Lab 1 + 2
Universität der Künste Berlin
Einsteinufer 43, 10587 Berlin
For further information on the full program please see:
Please register here: REGISTRATION
There are no conference fees for NERD, but prior registration is required.
5th NERD Conference
New Experimental Research in Design
Especially in unraveling times of crisis like these, new perspectives, ways of thinking and forms of action are indispensable in order to negotiate possible pathways and futures. The 5th NERD conference discusses experimental design research projects across the areas of critical AI, decolonial design and human/nonhuman design, and debates the re/positioning of the field of design research. Developed and realised by the Board of International Research in Design (BIRD) at Birkhäuser Publishing House, the 5th NERD conference will be carried out in collaboration with the Berlin University of the Arts (Weizenbaum Institute) and the Technische Universität Berlin (Einstein Center Digital Future).
Conference Committee: Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi, Uta Brandes, Tom Bieling, Sandra Groll, Ralf Michel, Wolfgang Jonas, Marc Pfaff
Conference Team / Berlin: Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi, Ines Weigand, Berkay Soykan, Athena Grandis (Weizenbaum Institute / UdK Berlin + Einstein Center Digital Future / TU Berlin)