STELEC – Sustainable Textile Electronics

E-textiles are rapidly emerging as an important area of electronic circuits applications. The European Apparel and Textile Confederation (Euratex) expects that the EU market for e-textiles and textile wearables reaches €1.5 billion in 2025 and will be a significant factor for an important European industry sector. It is also a facilitator for many socially important applications such as personalised health, elderly care, and smart agriculture. Unfortunately, the environmental impact and sustainability of e-textiles remain very problematic.

With e-textiles, electronic circuits are entering a new application domain increasing the number of devices that need to be produced and recycled. E-textiles are particularly difficult in terms of recycling and re-use. This is because in general they involve electronic components being deeply embedded in textile substrates. Before recycling/reuse the two need to be separated which is a non-trivial task that disrupts established recycling/re-use chains. The focus of research and development so far has been on overcoming the challenges involved in producing cost effective and robust conductive textile structures with little regard for environmental impact.

STELEC is an interdisciplinary research project funded by the European Innovation Council (EIC) under the Pathfinder programmes in the responsible electronics topic seeking cutting-edge innovation with an end goal at TRL 2-3. The project is a multinational collaboration of research institutes, universities and companies across Europe. It aims at developing next generation textile-based electronics in applications from sensing, processing to AI, with a commitment to full lifecycle sustainability.

The researchers in the Wearable Computing group will lead Work package 5 Responsible e-Textile Production. It is dedicated to ensuring that STELEC e-textile technologies are applicable to industrial textile production and sustainable processes at prototyping stage and at future scale. Key to this is the integration of textile design knowledge on all levels of technical production (from material to circuit).

Project team
Magdalena Kohler (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
Berit Greinke (Professorin für Wearable Computing)
Zora Kutz (Studentische Mitarbeiterin)

Funded by
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101162257.

Photo © ECDF/PR/

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